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"The Stories They Could Tell"

When something of historical interest happens, someone will chronicle the events in order to preserve the history.  A good accounting of events will stretch beyond "what happened" to include details of how those events felt.


That's the premise behind my book, "The Stories They Could Tell."  The basic history of pop music in the 1960's is well documented, but this book takes a unique approach to the decade that shaped rock 'n' roll.


I interviewed 80 musicians from the era, transcribed their words verbatim, and grouped the quotes into logical chapters.  The result draws back the curtain on the history of the 60's music scene, providing a richer and broader picture of the era.


And in doing so, it was my goal to preserve that history.  First-hand accounts are the most powerful means of communicating any experience.


So c'mon, let's hear the stories they could tell.

To read a sample from "The Stories They Could Tell," click here.  A quick note before you start: beyond the Foreword, the sections I've written are italicized, so they're easily distinguished from the artists' quotes.

For variety, I wanted to add another element - beyond the artists' quotes - to "The Stories They Could Tell": a change of pace, related to the 60's era.  The list of potential ideas became the "Did You Know?" segments, interspersed randomly throughout the book.  To read one, click here.

To see a list of the personalities I've interviewed for the book, click here.

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